Endless space 2 ships classes
Endless space 2 ships classes

endless space 2 ships classes

The first civilisation known to the current races were the Endless and, long gone from the galaxy, their only remnant, a substance known as dust, is now one of the core resources traded between the various races. Much like Civilization, there isn’t much in the way of an over-arching story beyond why the various playable factions are going about their galactic dominations. In any case the game itself is a pretty standard 4x turn-based strategy game. With Game2Gether gamers could get involved in the development process right from the start, so think of it as something like Kickstarter meets the Minecraft model, but with better player feedback in that it’s very much like Minecraft’s development model, but with a larger focus on community driven development.

endless space 2 ships classes

Paris based developers, Amplitude Studios, produced Endless Space using their Game2Gether model. Still does it live up to other games in the genre, is it the space Civilization or just another poorly-thought-out and produced throw-away game? I jumped into the game way back when it was in alpha, buying up a copy Minecraft style to see the game progress from what was a pretty polished alpha, to a slightly buggy beta, and what now appears on the surface to be an interesting take on the 4x turn based strategy. There have been a fair number of poorly-produced (see Sword of the Stars 2 and Legends of Pegasus) games out on the market recently, so when I saw screenshots of Endless Space I was pretty excited.

Endless space 2 ships classes